“Art,” said Argentinian poet Jorge Luis Borges, “always opts for the individual.” Perhaps this adage helps resolve the mystery of how one of Argentina’s more artistic daughters,
Paola Zakimi, though hailing from a land lush with fine wine, honey, and sunflowers, would see fit to focus her talent on the simplest of subjects: the human expression. With numerous paintings that center on the faces of children and young ladies, faces caught between fear and intuition, as in
Rosita; naivete and anticipation, as in
Retrato; and wariness and curiosity, as in
Clara, the artist connects to us through the eyes of her subjects as if tuning us magically to the secrets of her heart. We may not know the story in each, but we know the story it tells to us, and thus the image pours out an infinite number of stories, like an Argentine waterfall endlessly replenishing the river beneath.

In addition to her way with faces, however,
Zakimi carves out a considerable niche with her
handcrafted art dolls. From the regal bearing of
Anastasia, adorned in a hand-embroidered muslin dress dyed with jasmine tea, to the doleful countenance of the finely-detailed
Koka Mola, each of the many originals in her gallery is captivating in its own way. And if all this
weren’t enough to convince us of her gift, she shows quite a flair for watercolor as well in the charming
My Lovely Tree. In summary, there is very little
Paola Zakimi can not do. And if you happen to love her paintings, dolls, or other media, one thing you, our reader, can do is enter this giveaway. The winner will receive a free print of
Sofi and the Fish, an endearing image of childhood in which
Sofi, like an angel bestowing a blessing, reaches out of her boat to touch a curious fish. To enter, visit
Holli.etsy.com, then come back here to tell us about your favorite piece in Paola's collection. Tell us in an additional post if you subscribe to
Wishing Willow, follow us on
Facebook, or follow us on
Twitter, and "tweet" about the giveaway. To post without a Google account, just click “anonymous.” Be sure to also leave your email address. Contest ends 2/21/09. We have our winner: Congrats Puffluna!
1 – 200 of 225 Newer› Newest»The girl and teddy bear are so cute in the Viridiana Print.
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I like the Love OOak Artdolls.
Love the Rainy Long Walk Print. TU for the giveaway!
kitnevie at gmail dot com
Wow! Her work is amazing! I love Lucky Owlo!!! So adorable!
I follow you on Facebook!
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted!
I fell in love with the Sofi and the fish print as soon as I saw it. I was drawn to it...it's so pretty!
I'm an e-mail subscriber!
And I follow you on Twitter (keeerried216)!
Besides the print in the giveaway I also love the My Lovely Tree print.
I'm a subscriber.
Maybe I've caught Valentine's fever a day early, but I love holli's "love you so much" Print, which is on a special Valentine sale. It's now in my Etsy favorites. Yay!
I'm a subscriber, which is how I discovered this giveaway today.
I've become a fan on Facebook (same name as my email address in profile).
I follow you on twitter and tweeted you here:
My favourite piece is My Lovley Tree. I also love Kuk.
I follow you on facebook
i like the Roberta, book and chair OOAK artdoll
I love the little Owlos!
Subscribed to your feed.
Only one? This is going to be hard... I think my favorite is Ima lost home. I love all her work :)
I love the Kiss Me print.
I love the Lucky Owlo 1/10, lavender-scented owl doll...so lovely. Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
I subscribe VIA Google reader. Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
I also follow you on Facebook (Rebecca) Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
I like the My Lovely Tree print.
Love her Love Print! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I also subscribe!
The La Srta Pil is such an amazing piece of art! It's beautiful!
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=12677270 BEAUTIFUL
Victoria and her new doll is my favorite :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite is the "Love you so much" print of the two little girls, and, it's on sale for Valentine's day so I might just go back and purchase it:) All of her other art, except the piece you are giving away, is so sad. No one smiles, it's kind of depressing. As if the artist is unhappy.
I subscribed by email :)
BTW: Your review of the artist and her work is wonderful. I think you did a terrific job on it.
I absolutely LOVE My Lovely Tree, Original watercolor. It's so creative with so many different things to look at. The colors are vibrant but not too bright and it's cheerful yet relaxing. It would be beautiful for a children's reading corner.
I really liked the Owlo little Pyrography.
I love the My Lovely Tree, Original watercolor,its beautiful.
I subscribe.
introducing La Srta Pil , Original Painting is my favourite.
My Lovely Tree - Original Watercolor or Print.........my favorite!
Wow!!!!!!!!! It's fantastic!!!!I fell in love with
Birth, Original OOAK dolls, collaborative project and Lovely Tree Print!!!!!!!!!!
suscriber by mail!
My Lovely Tree...so whimsical and sweet!
follower on Facebook!
i love the print - my lovely tree.
so perfect!
elkesten at yahoo dot com
I dig this: Owlo little Pyrography draw on MDF, orignal
I love Anastasia the artdoll - so cute!
tm1224 at gmail dot com
I'm a subscriber! :)
tm1224 at gmail dot com
adrable dolls and prints! my favorite is koko mola doll.
I love everything! It was so hard to choose! I pick the Sisters print.
lesjoujou AT gmail DOT com
Love the My Lovely Tree.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
fan on facebook
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
the kiss me print is adorable. thank you for the giveaway:)
I like the Viridiana Print-would look sweet in a nursery!
Elaine R
My FAV piece is 'Seis dream Print', it is so perfect for a child's bedroom.
webleane AT yahooDOTcom
I am an email subscriber....
webleane AT yahoo.....
Love her work (got led here from her flickr) Its hard to choose but I think my favourite today is the retrato Print, the expression is so beautiful.
Omgosh, I simply adore the "Seis dream Print"!!! Its amazing!
I subscribe to your blog!
I'm a Facebook Fan of yours!
I only just discovered your blog, but its fab! So im now following you on facebook too!
I subscribe by email! :)
I really love the Viridiana Print. That is so cute! Thank you!
I'm a subscriber.
You have an award waiting. Come check it out!
the lavender scented owl doll is so cute!
I'm a subscriber.
This is my kind of shop!i love the Love is warm OOAK artdolls. thanks jacquecurl@gmail.com
i subscribe jacquecurl@gmail.com
I find the look on the Lucky Owlo 4/10 doll's face endearing :-)
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com
The Kiss Me print is my favorite :)
Subscribed to posts
I'm a subscriber.
kitnevie at gmail dot com
Roberta, book and chair OOAK artdoll is simply wonderful!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
subscriber- ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I follow you on facebook now.
kitnevie at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted about the giveaway.
kitnevie at gmail dot com
I like the Alfonso Doll and KuK painting. I love your style, very endearing and original.
I subscribe
I actually love Sophie and the Fish
sorry, I meant Sofi in my last post.
I am following on Twitter and tweeted about this giveaway.
I have been watching Holli's shop and hope to one day own one of her art dolls. I adore "Rilo's Journey" and all the portraits, especially "Kuk".
Tweet. Tweet. (TheUnlikelyNest)
Your blog is simply beautiful and I am happy to have stumbled upon in. Added you to the blogs I follow.
Victoria and her new doll, OOAK Artdoll is lovely!
I'm a subscriber!
I love the Viridiana Print!
I'm a subscriber!
Love the Rainy Long Walk Print.
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I did go to Paola Zakimi's site, and I can't help it but even though it's mentioned in the review, my favorite artwork of this Argentinian is My Lovely Tree!
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I'm a proud and happy subscriber to Wishing Willow!
I love Rilos journey OOAK orignal Artdoll
Sofi and the fish Print
Kuk Original Oil Painting is my absolute favorite
I love the My Lovely Tree, Original watercolor (and the print) so whimsical and fun
Clara Orinal Intitute girl and Kuk are 2 i like
I love the Intitute girl, Original mixmedia painting!
beautiful to see here her work which i love so much!
I like the Milo Baby Print. It's playful, whimsical and I like the perspective with part of the image being out of frame.
Verny nice print, I also like the Love print
I love the "My Lovely Tree, Print". It would look great in my daughter's room. I like the watercolor original too! Thanks!
I just subscribed. Thank you!!
I like My Lovely Tree, print.
I'm a subscriber.
Paulina print is my favourite b/c of its elfin qualities. Thanks!
Happy subscriber. Thank you!
My fav is the Kiss me print. Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
I like the La Señorita Pil original painting, as well as the My Lovely Tree original watercolor.
I follow on Twitter!
I subscribe!
I follow on Facebook.
My favorite piece has to be "My Lovely Tree, Print!" It is absolutely wonderful! :)
jess^^^4002 [at] gmail [dot] com
(without the ^^^)
I'm an e-mail subscriber! :)
jess^^^4002 [at] gmail [dot] com
(without the ^^^)
I like the My Lovely Tree print.
This sounds lazy, but Sofi & the Fish really is my favorite. It seems hopeful, and that's a quality I really need in my life right now.
I like the My Lovely Tree Print.
The My Lovely Tree Print is wonderful. It brings back childhood memories. Thanks, Cindi
i like learning print.
neekam27 at yahoo
follow you on twitter
My favorite is the Love You So Much print!
The Milo baby print is very nice. thanks.
My favorite print is Rainy long walk Print! It's fantastic.
I'm a Facebook fan. I commented about being a groupie!
Difficult to pick a fave ~ I adore Learning print ~ as well as the Mini original oil painting.
Just came across your blog...it's wonderful! I visited the site and have to say that my favorite print is actually the one for your give away, Sofie and the Fish. If I can figure out how to subscribe to your blog, I will! I look forward to visiting again :) Good luck everyone!
pinkrock at shaw dot com
It's hard to choose one, but the River Print wins my vote.
I really like My Lovely Tree, Original watercolor- so pretty
My fave is Mia baby though I have to admit it was hard to decide!
I love the My Lovely Tree, Print.
Wow, Paola Zakimi has some amazing stuff! Her art dolls and prints are both gorgeous.
I really love the Petula Berry art doll, and the love you so much print.
Also, subscribed.
i like the viridiana print!
I love all of her dolls, but especially Petula Berry, Original Art doll, OOAK.
I like my lovely tree the best
I really like her work. Rilos journey is amazing :))
I subscribe :))
I follow you at Twitter - I'm Jamaise :))
Tweet! http://twitter.com/jamaise/status/1216969890
I am loving the River Print. Gorgeous stuff.
I am a subscriber :)
I adore the Custom Sofi doll
Besides the giveaway print, I lke the Love Print because of the bright yellow, and I think that the artist caught LOVE for a moment, and this is it!
I like the Rainy long walk print.
stormraven at gmail dot com
I LOVE "Love is warm" artdolls, mostly because they look like my fella and me. I follow you on Facebook.
Love you so much is my favorite.
I follow you on facebook.
Love the Rainy Long Walk print! leenburke@yahoo.com
The seis dream print is so amazing. I follow on twitter
I really like her Mika Print. Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite is Clara. It's so beautiful. I really love Sofi and the fish too!
love the my lovely tree watercolor
thank you
I'm a fan of Petula Berry (the art doll) purrprints at gmail
I also subscribe to your newsletter
and i follow you on twitter (as Purrprints there too)
I'm already a huge fan of holli!
My favourite print is Sofi and the fish - it would be a fantastic piece for my newly formed art collection! :D
fightthemasses [at!] gmail dot com
My Lovely Tree, Print
Costum Sofi style art doll is my favorite!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/wastebasket/statuses/1225994244
I am a subscriber!
I follow you on Facebook, Rebecca Couick
Birth, Original OOAK dolls, collaborative project are so intriguing because of the various media and different styles of the artists.
My favorite is Anastasia the OOAK art doll!
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I like the Victoria doll, with her own doll.
i love the seis dream print- so sweet & lovely!
i just started subscribing to wishing willow.
so very sweet!
I really like "Love Print"
I like the River print.
email subscriber:)
Wow, that is one talented artist! I really like a lot in the store but I think the Learning Print is my favorite.
Contact me:
email subscriber!
jannabissett at yahoo dot com
Following on Twitter!
jannabissett at yahoo dot com
Following on facebook too!
jannabissett at yahoo dot com
What an awesome page. I like Beca Original Painting and Rilos journey OOAK orignal Artdoll
My favorite is the "Learning" print. Very whimsical and fun :)
I like the Petula Berry, Original Art doll
I subscribe
facebook fan (I can give you my name later)
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I love the My Lovely Tree, Original watercolor and the lucky owls are adorable!
I love the river print and it would make a great match to the one you are giving away.
Thank you for introducing me to this amazing artist. I took a look at Sofi and the fish and actually got tears in my eyes! My daughter's nickname is fishy and the painting reminded me of her. Beautiful, stunning work.
I subscribe via email. :)
I like the My Lovely Tree..the colors are amazing. Thanks!
I subscribe!
I love the My Lovely Tree, Print. The print is so fun and I would love to have it hanging in my granddaughters room.
Thanks so much!
dbkagrayson2002 at gmail dot com
I am a subscriber.
Im going to say Clara and ty. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
I am a subscriber! skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
Thanking you for posting such a wonderful review. My Lovely Tree Print is my favourite. Thank you once again. ~ Amy (amyinkamloops *AT* gmail.com)
Rosita Original Oil Painting is my favorite. garrettsambo@aol.com
I love My Lovely Tree, Print. A perfect item for a little girls room
I love love love la srta pil!
The love you so much print is fantastic. I would love that for my LO's room!
i love the Rosita Original Oil Painting
fan on facebook kathy l pease
The Kiss Me print is super cute
Sofie and the fish is my fav
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