If we as would-be art critics have a tendency to reach for Picasso when trying to characterize an artist whose stylings lean a little cubist, it’s meant as the ultimate compliment, rather than a commentary on the artist’s lack of originality.
Julia Freund is a great example. An immensely talented German-born abstract artist living in France, Freund at times renders a disjointed, collage-style composition that captures the mechanics of Picasso’s macabre social studies, but in spirit, she and the melancholy master are worlds apart. Unlike the disturbingly detached subjects of his Blue Period, her subjects, typified in
So Many Strange People, are fleshy and visceral, knowable, suspended in space yet somehow full of life and thought. Even her inanimate subjects, such as the massive edifice in
Babylon that rises above the jumbled city like a great kiosk plastered in Parisian newspaper, breathe out the lingua of possibilities, of conviction, even of truth, the latter of which Picasso famously denied was even possible in art.

At the same time, however, it would be rather gauche of us to paint
Julia Freund as an artist with a social agenda, given that the overall feel of her gallery is more joyful than jarring, far more suffused with delightful ideas than stained with dogmatic assumptions. In fact, the variety of art is so remarkable that in turning from the highly developed style of
Make Words Grow to the simple, child-friendly approach of something like
A Slightly Melancholy Bear, one wonders if we’re even dealing with the same artist. But don’t take it from us, not when Freund’s wonderful gallery is right there for the browsing. And while you’re enjoying her work—which by the way, is always sent printed on actual canvas for you purists—you can also enjoy the giveaway the artist is offering to our Wishing Willow readers, one of the most generous giveaways in our history. Two winners each will receive a print of choice, with three additional winners each receiving
The Princess and Her Frog pinback button set. To enter, visit
lineanongrata.etsy.com, then come back here to tell us about your favorite item or print in Julia's shop. Tell us in an additional post if you subscribe to
Wishing Willow, or follow us on
Facebook or
Twitter. To post without a Google account, just click “anonymous.” Be sure to also leave your email address. Contest ends 2/17/09. We have our winners. Congrats Guettel178, Sarah, Leah, Janil and Meninheira!
1 – 200 of 253 Newer› Newest»Babylon is my favorite but I also like Alonzo-Dog Dream.
So much talent! Everything is fabulous.
shel704 at aol dot com
I'm following you on twitter
I'm already a google reader subscriber
shel704 at aol dot com
I love the Feeling Blue print.
Very nice art.
carogonza1 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I subscribe on google
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I like Make Words Grow Print!
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I'm a proud subscriber to Wishing Willow!
I was so excited to find your blog and to know that there's a group of people from Utah who are on Etsy!! I love Etsy! It's such a great site!
I also thought your group would like to know about the wonderful children's art classes that I teach!! My husband and I make beautiful little Fairy Furniture from nature. We're giving classes on how to make our enchanting little works of art. You can find out more about our classes on our new blog:
Let me know if you're interested or if you know of anyone else would might like our classes.
So glad to find your group!
Debbie Schramer
I love Make words grow print, but it is a difficult choice... I fell in love with her artwork!!!!!! Thanks for the chance and for show us her beatiful work!!!!
I'm a very happy suscriber on e-mail!
I follow you on Facebook now too.
My favourite item is the wintergirl print!
I'm a subscriber.
Dreamy knitting print is wonderful!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
subscriber- ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I love lineanongrata's "The Kid Sure Changed The Family" print. Doesn't every child (and parent) feel this way at some point in their lives?
What a wonderful Etsy store. Thanks for the shopping tip--I've put the seller in my Etsy favorites.
I follow you on twitter (nape9393).
I'm an email subscriber, which is how I discovered this giveaway.
My email is in my profile, but just in case (jdelehant AT [cox] DOT net)
I love how there's a story behind all the prints, they're so unique. My favorite is the Mama and baby bear print.
Flying bird print is my favourite.
Amy (amyinkamloops *AT* gmail.com)
feeling blue
So many wonderful illustrations! But if I'm to choose one it's Scratchy Cat. Please enter me in this giveaway.
i like whispering trees.
I like the Last Flowers of the Season print.
I think my favorite is Plane Print and the moleskine notebook too :)
meninheira at gmail dot com
I love these. My favorite is Last Flowers of the Season. Such great artwork!!
Tough to choose, but I think my favorite is the spring is the new chic(k) print. Thanks for the chance to win!
I like the Dreamy Knitting print.
galeogirl at comcast dot net
mama and baby bear print
mama and baby bear
I love the Try Something New for a Change and Alonzo Dog Dream. Thank you for the great giveaway!
Wow, she's a very deep artist. My favorite print is "Make Words Grow". I like to surround myself with positive images.
Autumn Picnic Print.......I LOVE IT!
I can't decided between the Bewildered Bunny and the Slightly Melancholy bear - both are too cute!
I'm an e-mail subscriber!
And now I'm following you on Twitter (animallover216)! =)
My favourite is "Love print"
Thanks so much!
I'm a subscriber via email!
I'm also now a Facebook fan!
I really like the autumn picnic print
That is really cute. Thank you!
I'm a subscriber.
OMG! All of them are so awesome. I love them all and could barely pick, but I guess I'll say Last flowers of the season print.
lesjoujou AT gmail DOT com
The "Whispering Trees" Print is my favorite. It would look good in my living room. I would love something new on my walls.
mama bear
Totally now a fave shop of mine...There are quite a few I would enjoy putting in my home. My fave tonight would be "make words grow 2 print" ~ looking at these is like taking a journey into a new world.
let's go together notecards are precious..
3beez at bellsouth dot net
My favorite is the autumn picnic print.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a bunny person, so I would go with "The Bewildered Bunny" for sure.
Awesome artist! I am enjoying "make words grow "
i subscribe
"The Kid Sure Changed The Family" print
I love Julia's work (and am the lucky owner of one of her pouches) but my favorite is "what a rainy day" because it looks just like my girl with her green umbrella on one of our rarely rainy days. I love the wistfulness of it.
I'm a subscriber.....
I like the Make words grow print
"A kiss or no kiss" is my absolute favourite print.
Thanks :0)
Too cool! I love Alonzo-Dog Dream. Thank you so much!
I really like the I Went to the Garden print.
I really really really like the Make words grow print!!
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com
following on twitter @britzy2
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com
fan on facebook
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com
I like the for the child only the best print! These are so neat!
Subscriber via google reader.
I love the where are my books print.
I follow you on blogger.
I like wintergirl print.
I love the people are strange print. It was a very hard chose! thanks jacquecurl@gmail.com
I subscribe.
i subscribe jacquecurl@gmail.com
I like Make words grow
Flying Bird is my favorite. I also love Babylon.
I follow.
avoid public transport print
let me have some fun print
I love the Make words grow print!
I love the Scratchy Cat!
The Make Words Grow 2 print is my favorite.
Alonzo - doggy dream is one of my favorites but I enjoy all of her work.
I'm a member of the facebook group.
I heart the whispering trees!
I Facebooked you!
My favorite is the whispering trees print. Thanks for the giveaway!
I subscribed via reader.
Feeling Blue is very nice.
i like love print!
whispering trees is my favorite.
I love this artwork. My favorite is The Scratchy Cat Print.
I follow you on twitter under meredycat.
I like the make words grow 2 print
I like the My Language Used to be My Home print.
jeanilynne at gmail dot com
I subscribe via email at:
jeanilynne at gmail dot com
tweeted here:
jeanilynne at gmail dot com
I like spring is the new chic(k) print.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I subscribe.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow on Twitter.
I love the Mama and Baby Bear print!
doggy dream, too funny.
I'm a subscriber (RSS)
Oh gosh - all I need is another Lineanongrata print (I have 4!!) - actually, that is all I need. I love them so.
My current fave print in her shop (and the one I'll buy next if I don't win this) is "For the child only the best"
I already have two knitting themed ones, so this would add nicely to my collection.
I love know who your friends are print
I like "from the woods"!
Thanks :)
Her art is AMAZING!! I love, love, love The Bewildered Bunny! If I could win that I would be soooo happy. :D Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow you on Twitter. Username: Roweena
Make Words Grow
oh! I love the style. Dreamy knitting print and Reaching for you, All the monkeys print....can not pick one.
I like the flying Bird print.
I love the spring is the new chic(k) print
My favorite is the Babylon print. Also, I think the Choice Is Not An Option print is cute!
Wow, the art is truly beautiful. The style is both whimsical and delicate. In the end, I really liked the plane print (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=9103619). The textures in it are gorgeous.
I love the make words grow 2 print
I am a subscriber!
I like the Whispering Trees print. I have just the spot for it in our home. Thanks!
I love "make words grow"...beautiful stuff.
these items are grand
It was hard to choose a favorite, but I think I'd have to say Last Flower of the season. I liked all of the seasonal prints.
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I am most like Baby Red Bird, because I love the color red and even though I have so many responsibilities and have to do so many "adult" things, I too can sometimes feel small!
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I am very happy to be a proud subscriber to Weeping Willow, which brings uniqueness and beauty into my life!
I subscribe to your blog on my google reader :) Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
I became a fan on facebook :) Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com (Rebecca)
I really like the Feeling Blue print. Thanks!
I love All The Monkeys Print
My favorite is autumn picnic. Thanks for the giveaway!
Love "Make Words Grow".
jodi_nh at hotmail
Babylon print
I love Julia's artwork. My favorite is The Scratchy Cat. :)
I follow you on Twitter under Meredycat.
I fell in love with the Reaching For You Print.It's so unique & beautiful...She is an amazing artist & her works are fantastic. Thanks for the chance! =)
I subscribed via email...Thanks!
dog is my favorite
Such charming prints! I really like the whimsy of "try something new for a change"
I really like "Make words grow 2 print"
Please enter me in this contest.I am a subscriber.
I love the Fishing is piece of cakeprint! closely followed b the Make words grow 2 print. Beautiful work!
I subscribe! :)
I follow you on facebook! :)
I love the Make words grow print!
The Feeling Blue
My favourite item is the wintergirl print!
I love Make Words Grow print! She's a great artist!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
My total favorite is the Make words grow print. As a writer, I would love to have that on my wall as inspiration!
I like the wintergirl print
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I love the "Make words grow print!" Really stunning! :)
jess^^^4002 [at] gmail [dot] com
(without the ^^^)
I'm a subscriber by e-mail! :)
jess^^^4002 [at] gmail [dot] com
(without the ^^^)
I like Reading in Strange Languages and Babylon.
The "Slightly Meloncholy Bear" is my fave. It sums up how I've been feeling as of late perfectly...
I like the Mama and baby bear print.
I really like this work. My favorite is 'be afraid of all flying things' print.
My favorite is "Make words grow" print.
Babylon is my favorite too. Thanks.
I like the "Make words grow 2" print. Thanks!
dreamy elephant
the scratchy cat print
My favorite print is "Make Words Grow". Thanks for the chance to win.
the winter girl print is really nice
My favorite is the Watch Your Bag Closely print. Thanks.
-Terra H.
i like them all!!!
Wow. What a tough, tough choice. I am torn between the Babylon, Make Words Grow, and Reading in Strange Languages prints, but I think Reading in Strange Languages is my favorite. Wonderful stories behind the illustrations, too.
michstjame [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm a Wishing Willow subscriber. :)
I like the scratchy cat print
i like dog!
Linz said :
So many really nice pictures on the webpage! The last flowers of the season really caught my eye.
The Feeling Blue print is my favorite of all. :)
I must choose only one? So hard!
I love the knitting-themed prints, but I think my fave is
I Went Into the Garden
nimrodvern at comcast dot net
Thanks for this great giveaway! My favorite piece was the Make words grow print!
My favorite is actually the come and fly with me women's t-shirt.
love the Feeling Blue print
It is hard to pick but I think I like the autumn picnic print.
I Subscribe
I follow you @ Twitter :)
love to win this print
I love the print make words grow 2. I think is is beautiful, the color pallet is bright and the image makes me feel hopeful.
I think I really like the dreaming pic best.
Choice is Not an Option is our fave. Thank you!
I like the "So Many Strange People" print.
Wow, tough choice but I think my favorite is "My language used to be my home print"
The Feeling Blue Print, is great.
so many strange people is my fave
Make Words Grow print is my favorite! wgbc1446@yahoo.com
I really like Lemon Aid!
I am a subscriber!
love print is my favorite.
also subscribed to your newsletter
My favorite is the All the monkeys print...just darling!!
I really like the Make words grow print
I subscribe
I follow you on Facebook
The Dog print is my pick
Babylon print
Love the make words grow print... jomamajoanna (at) gmail (dot) com
I like 'Flying Bird'. The wings are gorgeous.
a.sarah.e.wagner at gmail.com
I subscribe.
a.sarah.e.wagner at gmail.com
I am a fan on facebook.
a.sarah.e.wagner at gmail.com
The Scratchy cat print hands down for me and the Time print I really took to also.skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
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