As a means of trying to comprehend the irresistible appeal of
Lany Devening's sidewinding, dark-bright sense of place, I like to imagine showing it to an allegedly hip sixty-year-old sci-fi buff with whom I used to work in sales. “Jerry Lewis I get,” I can hear him saying. “Jerry Seinfeld I get. This, I don’t get.” And that’s the point. Devening, proprietor of an Etsy art shop that is quite unlike any other, blurs the distinction between fun and evocative—we’ll call it
funocative—to render a set of themes that feel as deliciously dangerous as laughing with a loaded BB gun in one’s hand. A lonely shanty home billows with smoke under an otherwise blue
New Mexico sky, the image wrapped in a heart-shaped frame. Four
cloned children stride out of a 1950’s classroom, disillusioned by their classmates’ treatment of them. A dog on a porch anticipates the swell of a
grasshopper storm.

Whether anyone, including the artist herself, knows the meaning of any of this is beside the point. It is art, the type that simultaneously ups both the IQ and the PQ (party quotient) of any dinner among friends. The fact that the words
Lany Devening adds through the mouths of her silent subjects always seem just a little beyond anyone’s reach, well, that’s a good thing in this case. She is, in the end, another fantastic example of the kind of talent that lurks right behind the bushes in Etsy’s own backyard, or in this case right under the sweet dogwood shade of Carrboro, North Carolina. And if you happen to find her art as strikingly magnetic as we do, you’ll be thrilled to know that the artist is offering a giveaway as well. The winner of today's contest will receive a print of
Minnesota, courtesy of Lana Devening. To enter, visit
LanyDevening.etsy.com, then come back here to tell us about your favorite piece in Lany's collection. Tell us in an additional post if you subscribe to
Wishing Willow, or follow us on
Twitter, and "tweet" about the giveaway. To post without a Google account, just click “anonymous.” Be sure to also leave your email address. Contest ends 3/05/09.
Be sure to also enter our giveaways
I like Rainbow House original cross stitch!
I have to say, Minnesota is my favorite! Great work.
Interesting art. I like the Hand Puppet.
Cool stuff. I like the Lunatic most.
I tweeted under meredycat.
Lunatic is more my style. thanks for the giveaway
WOW! how cool! love these! I like the one called "Lunitic" of the little boy. thanks jacquecurl@gmail.com
I love this: Ribbon in the Sky
My favorite piece is the Rainbow House original cross stitch. Stunning.
thanks so much!
dbkagrayson2002 at gmail dot com
I like the rainbow house =)
oh my..such nice pieces..but i loved the Rainbow House original cross stitch. what a piece! lovely.
oh i also am subscribed to you
love this Minnesota one!!
am subscribed to you!
I tend to like that out of the ordinary so I thought the The Hand Puppet looked interested!
The Hand Puppet is my choice.I am a subscriber.
Hahahaha! I LOVE The Lunatic!!
Happy subscriber!
Evidence is my favorite, reminds me of the look on my sons face when he's been caught.
I'm a follower
I like a lot of them, but I think I'm most drawn to the A Rose for Emily print.
I follow you on Twitter and Twittered about it!
Bogo Sale Idaho
The Open Window - is my favorite.
Love those rainbow colors
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
subscriber- ashlomb at yahoo dot com
Hand Puppet is probably my favorite
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I like Gun and Sparrow, one symbol (the sparrow) so obviously small and vulnerable juxtaposed with (the gun) a symbol capable of taking life away!
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I'm a VERY proud subscriber to Wishing Willow!
I love The Hand Puppet. it just really caught my attention!
Rainbow house is my favorite!
I love Sophy Look in the Air.. very creepy and neat. :) Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
I also follow your blog in my Google Reader. :)
rainbow is nice
"Ribbon in the sky" is my fave.
My favorite in Lany's collection is the A Rose for Emily print.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I like Evidence
i like rainbow house!
i like the hand puppet.
I totally think I should get this since I'm from MN! Only kidding-what great art...I'm really enjoying Gun with Sparrow. Fantastic.
I love the Rainbow House original cross stitch....just beautiful! thanks
I follow too!
I like the hand puppet :)
I like the a Rose for Emily best.
I like the rainbow house
I love the Beloved Castaway.
subscribe via google reader.
Rainbow House original cross stitch
I like A Rose For Emily
Minnesota is my favorite, but I may be biased ;)
I much like Valley Deep, Mountain High...
The Rainbow House original cross stitch is BEAUTIFUL!
kkondek at gmail.com
Rainbow house is my fave
Love the rainbow house.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I love Gun with sparrow and The open window! They are all pretty amazing though! :)
im a follower! :)
Valley Deep, Mountain High
I really like the Hand Puppet.
My favorite is The Black Roller
I like the childrens picture titled "Nobody Asked Me"
i like on the prowl
i like it
I live in MN, would love this, also like the Rainbow house cross stitch
Gotta be 'the lunatic'.
Ribbon in the Sky looks so peaceful
Being from MN I would have to say the one that you are giving away.
I would pick the Rainbow House
The Hearthfire Glows is my fave ~ very different art, but I LOVE it! Many of them "with themes that feel as deliciously dangerous" I agree!!!
Hand Puppet is my favorite
I like The Invaders. I hate to dust and it reminds me of my house.
3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com
A Rose for Emily
i like the hand puppet.
Very nice, my favorite is Rainbow.
My favorite is Charlotte, the Night Wanderer.
-Terra H.
Rainbow House
I've lived in Minnesota all my life. I'd love to decorate our house with this art piece!
I like Whirlpool
I subscribe
My favorite is the lunatic. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would choose gun with sparrow
def rainbow house cross stitch!
I like Cloned Lives. Was my favorite before I even noticed the price! A friend of mine is going to school to end up working in the cloning business. Also reminds me of "the masses".
I like Cloned Lives. Was my favorite before I even noticed the price! A friend of mine is going to school to end up working in the cloning business. Also reminds me of "the masses".
I subscribe!
I really love this one, The Shadow Puppet: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=18773443
All of the art is really amazing, I'm glad I found it!
I would love the chance to win, thanks.
I like A Rose for Emily.
madamerkf at aol dot com
i'd love to win this
Evidence is the best! unique!
Being from Minnesota myself, I really like the Minnesota one
I like the Open Window.
have to go with Lunatic...makes me smile
I like The Lunatic.
a rose for emily!
I like Whirlpool
I think that Rainbow house is my favorite.
My favorite piece in the collection is 'Fly Away, Love'!
I subscribe! Thanks for a great blog!
I like the Rainbow House original cross stitch.
Dark Fate
I like the Beloved Castaway.
I love Lunatic and Dark Fate
Really offbeat and darkly humorous pieces -- I really enjoyed looking at all of Lany's works and reading her descriptions. I would have to say my favorite would be "Them." There's something about the contrast between the wholesome image of the cornfield/rainbow and the unexpected presence of the blood spray. And the fact that the title came from the classic sci-fi b-movie "Them" really left me scratching my head. Thanks for introducing me to her work and for the chance to win!
I'm a subscriber.
I follow you on twitter (guettel78) - thanks!
Tweeted the giveaway: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1283570826
A Rose for Emily con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
i like beloved castaway!
I love Ribbon in the Sky with the children in the water. Hopeful and beautifully calming.
man i love them all
i subscrided and tweeted you
rainbow house
I know I am stretching, but hope I"m not breaking the rules here: my favorites are all quite small and of a similar style, so I would love to have all four and display/arrange them as cluster setting. The four designs I would love to work with are:
Beloved Castaway
Fly Away, Love
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
The Open Window
I can imagine all kinds of hanging arrangements that would grace the right wall space!
Yes! I am a follower and email subscriber of Wishing Willow.
My favorite is "Them"!
Beloved Castaway & Fly Away Love!
I don't like all the house on fire stuuf or the death stuff.
I cab handle a little blood splatter.
Did anyone esle find her work kinda of dark!
These are like the picture drawn by children who have been abused.
The house fire stuf...I have been thur that & find it hard to even look at them.......to painful.
just being honest but I did find most of the art work a bit morib!
Minnesota is my favorite. garrettsambo@aol.com
wishing willow is a beautiful work of art.
Lany Devening is truly a wonderful talent
Much Luck
Ribbon in the Sky and my thanks. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
Subscriber here ! skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
Follower here! skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
I really like the rose for emily.
I like Valley Deep, Mountain High.
The Beloved Castaway painting is very interesting!
I subscribed to your blog.
I like Clones LIves
I'm a subscriber
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